Dr. Ekram Al-Damhougy
Anesthesia Registrar
Academic Qualifications:
- Diploma of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, Egypt, Nov.1988.
- Diploma of Fellow in the Faculty of Anesthetists’ (Part 1), United Kingdom May 1986.
- M.B., B.Ch. Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt, Dec. 1973.
Courses Attended:
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Course, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University (American Heart Association Course), May 2012
- Basic Life Support (BLS) Course, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University (American Heart Association Course), April 2012
- F.F.A. First Part (Course of Diploma of Anesthesia and Intensive Care), Kuwait University – Royal College. 1986.
- F.F.A. Basic Science Course for First Part (old system), Kuwait University – Royal College. 1984.
- Trauma Anesthesia & Emergency Care
- The Second Kuwait Anesthesia Conference and Exhibition
- 4th Kuwait anesthesia and Intensive Care Symposium Safety in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Practice
- Update in Intensive Care
- 3rd Kuwait Critical Care Conference,
- 3rd Anesthesia Conference of Kuwait
- Regional Anesthesia Workshop
- 1st Trauma Conference
- 2nd Trauma Conference
- 3rd National Conference on Medical Emergencies
- National Campaign for Proper Use of Antibiotics
- 9th National Pediatric Update
Technical Skills and Experience:
- General, local and regional anesthesia for major and minor surgeries for geriatrics, adults, and children.
- Anesthesia for day cases
- Pre- and postoperative evaluation of cases and management of complicated cases.
- Post-operative pain management
- Management and resuscitation of critically ill patients in Intensive Care Unit.