Dr. Nadia Slim
Anesthesia Registrar
Academic Qualifications and Awards:
- Passed MB.BCH from Medical University, Alexandria, Egypt, 1970
- Passed Diploma in Anesthetic from London, Royal College, 1975
- Awarded Quality Step Increment for Outstanding performance by Ministry of Health Kuwait, 1980.
Work Experience:
- Registrar in Anesthesia Department at Sabah Maternity Hospital Ministry of Health, Kuwait. 1986
- Registrar in Anesthesia Department in General Surgery, KCC Hospital (Kuwait Cancer Center). 1983-1986
- Registrar in Anesthesia Department in orthopedic Hospital and Ophthalmology Hospitals in Kuwait. 1976-1983
- Registrar in Anesthesia at Leister Royal Infirmary UK. 1975-1976
- Registrar in Anesthesia at Yeovil General Hospital (Yeovil Somerset U.K.). 1971-1975
Experience in Anesthesia for elective and emergency cases in:
- Central Surgery
- Urology Surgery
- Vascular surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Ophthalmic Surgery
- Dental and plastic Surgery
- Radio Diagnostic procedures
- Obstetrics and Gynecology + I.V.F
- Resuscitation and Intensive Care
Participated in Continuous Medical Education (CME) programs in:
- Ambulatory Anesthesia. (Sep 2000)
- Clinical experience with Naropin, Clinical development with Robivacaine. (Oct 2000)
- Patient Data Management. (Oct 2000)
- Anesthesia & Intensive care. (Nov 2000)
- The management of postoperative pain update on new agents (Nov 2000)
- Clinical use of remifentanil. (Mar 2001)
- Kuwait International Refresher Course in Anesthesia and Intensive Care (May 2001)