Mr. Mohammed El-Sayed
Bachelor of Science
During preparation of master degree a courses in semen collection handling, evaluation, staining to estimate abnormalties & vitalty, methods of semen preparation for insemination and semen cryo preservation.
October 1993- May 1998: during preparation of Ph.D. Courses in oocyte retrieval, handling, assessement & In-vito maturation and fertilization, follow up the embryos till the blastocyst stage and embryo cryopreservation.
January – June 1996: Appointed at kamal Zaki Shouair center of human infertility in quality control of the media used for embryo culture.
May 1998- September 1999: I worked in Adam international hospital in human ICSI, IVF, IUI, semen &embryo freezing, semen analysis and evaluation, preparation of media.
November 1999- July 2004: Senior embryologist in Misr international hospital in human ICSI,IVF, IUI, semen & embryo freezing, semen analysis and evaluation, preparation of media.
July 2004-May 2005: Senior embryologist in Abd El- Kader Fahmy hospital in human ICSI,IVF, IUI, semen & embryo freezing, semen analysis and evaluation, preparation of media.
* Current Appointments:
September 2001-till 2008 : Senior Embryologist in Middle East Fertility Center in human ICSI,IVF, IUI, semen &embryo freezing, semen analysis and evaluation, preparation of media.
From March 2005 : Senior Embryologist in Mustafa Mahamoud hospital in human ICSI,IVF, IUI, semen &embryo freezing, semen analysis and evaluation, preparation of media.
From March 2008 till now: Embryologist in Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel-belgium in human ICSI,IVF,
IUI, semen &embryo freezing, semen analysis and evaluation, preparation of media Bachelor of Science from Cairo University, Egypt.
- General Training in IVF
- Nile Bradawl Hospital, Cairo
- Advanced course in IVF
- Stazione Zoologica, Laboratory of Cell And developmental Biology, Naple Italy
- Advance Course in micromanipulation Clinica Villa del sole, Naple Italy
- Training Course in George-August University- Goettingen Post-graduate Diploma in Clinical
Embryology, May 2000. Paris Univ. in collaboration with ALPH held in Saudi German Hospital Saudi Arabia.
Special Skills
- Clinical Embryologist with superior training in all IVF Laboratory techniques since 1993 to present.
- 26 years experience in all aspects of Clinical Embryology (ART). ∙ Performs all the Basic Techniques in IVF Lab :
1. Assessment of semen according to IVF standards (WHO criteria) * Different preparation (Swim-up, percoll, gradient).
2. Insemination using a preparation of selected sperms in (IUI, ZIFT, IVF, ICSI)
3. Preparation for TESE, MESE and others
4. X-Y separation by albumin gradient
5. Oocyte collection and grading according to maturation stage.
6. In-Vitro fertilization in tissue culture dishes.
CSI Procedures
1. Detection of normal and abnormal fertilization and grading of
pre-embryos according to their quality.
2. Blastocyst culturing system.
3. Embryo Transfer Techniques using different kinds of embryo transfer
Loading of gametes in GIFT Catheter during GIFT procedures
Cryo preservation of sperm, TESE tissue, 2Pn stage, 4 cell stage, 8 cells,
Blastocyst embryo, slow freezing and vitrification. ∙ Assisted hatching using laser system.
Embryo Biopsy for PGD + Blastocyst Biopsy
Quality Control ( Total quality management TQM)
1. Sperm survival test
2. Culture of surplus oocyte
3. Multipronucleate- embryo culture
4. Culture of space embryo